Time Out New York Horny?

Seitan made me do it! I was recently featured in Time Out New York's 'Horny Issue'. I got down and dirty about eating local, vegan, and choosing good food over mediocre sex. Yes, that's a local, organic beet leaf on my balls.

The amazingly talented (and friend of DB) Ryan Pfluger took the pictures, and we used the gorgeous home of Pablo & Veronica of Dr. Cow.

Discerning Brute takes it off for New York City

“It was a philosophical struggle for me to pose naked, but you do what you have to do to get your message out there. All forms of oppression are connected: mainstream-media sex, violence, social justice, environmental issues, animal exploitation. When you perpetuate one of them, you perpetuate all of them. But I believe you can live ethically and fabulously.”

“I’ve been vegan for 12 years. For the shoot, I went to the Union Square farmers’ market and bought a bunch of local, organic veggies, fruits and roots. The green movement is finally becoming sexy—and it’s because of food. Food is like sex: You interact with it physically, you put it in your body. I’d rather have an amazing meal than mediocre sex.”

Check me out and the other hot-blooded New Yorkers, on stands tomorrow!

UPDATE: New York Magazine Bloggers go at me! Get the New York Magazine dirt here.